"Spaceballs: the Animated Series" is the 2008 follow up to the 1987 comedy classic that does absolutely no justice to the original. In this awful show's defense, I only watched the first two episodes. Maybe it got really good after that. I highly doubt it, but maybe. I couldn't put myself through anymore, but I had to watch enough to give you folks an honest review. First, Mel Brooks and Joan Rivers are the only two voices from the original. Next, even the theme song is awful. Finally, the writing is terrible. Not that the original movie had life-changing dialog, but at least it was funny. The television show bounced around from point to point, pulling jokes like teeth, until I was more disappointed in myself for watching it than I was with Mel Brooks for making it. There's nothing smart about this writing, and any review that tells you otherwise is written by a dolt.
"actual real life" snapshot of the original cast watching the pilot |
One would have thought wrong.
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